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From the Community Leader
You are in the right place if: *You are a woman with chronic illness. *You are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. *You do not want to live in the fear of what your illness may bring into your life. *You feel alone, like no one in your life really understands how you feel and what you go through each day. *Some days you just want to give up, throw in the towel, and hide in bed from your life, illness, and other people. *You feel frustrated, scared, and overwhelmed. *You are tired of searching the internet endlessly for answers, support, and hope. **YOU WANT TO WAKE UP EACH DAY READY TO FEEL LIKE YOU CAN KEEP GOING **YOU WANT TO LOVE YOUR SELF, YOUR LIFE, AND FIND JOY. **YOU WANT TO FEEL STRONG. **YOU WANT TO FEEL HOPEFUL **YOU WANT TO FEEL AT PEACE. **YOU WANT THE SUPPORT OF A SISTERHOOD OF WOMEN WHO GET!!** If you recognize the woman in these remarks then you found your home! Welcome!!