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1771 members
From the Community Leader
This community is for people who may be currently or in the past in a dialectical behaviour therapy program, or a DBT informed therapy. It is also for people who use DBT skills in their lives and find them helpful for managing intense emotions, and other challenges. This group is also for people who have an interest in using DBT skills and would like a safe supportive space to connect with others who are using DBT skills too! Members may have a diagnosis of BPD, or may not. The purpose is connect with others who are passionate and interested in intentionally using the skills in their lives and want to encourage one another to be skillful too. This community offers a supportive validating space to care for one another as we build “ Lives Worth Living” using the skills and techniques in dialectical behaviour therapy. This group is NOT therapy, or intended to replace any medical or psychological treatment, it is simply a place to share DBT tools and celebrate our success in using them.