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Gallows humor is perhaps one of the most important tools many of us with chronic illnesses have at our advantage. Being able to view a hopeless, desperate, threatening, or just downright miserable moment in life with a grim and ironic sense of humor is actually life saving for many. It takes the power away from the illness by reducing it back to its place and helping us maintain the important balance and divide between illness and who we are as individuals. To an outsider it may seem crass or altogether morbid, but for those going through something the humor is often freeing and a way to bond with others going through similar situations. All we ask is that you follow the Mighty Standards when posting and interacting and realize that not everyone's humor is going to be for you... And that's ok! Just keep on scrolling to the next item that may be for you instead. This is an uplifting group.
22  Members
1 Leader
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