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This is a safe space to talk about your multiple health challenges. Whether it’s Mental Health &/or Physical Health, disability, sacrifices & limitations or addiction struggles you will likely find others who have the same or similar challenges. This is a great place to empathize w/ others, ask for support, & get support yourself. You also can ask for advice, encouragement, & support for things ldealing w/ doctors, insurance, different diagnoses you face, hospital stays, surgeries, & What's going on for you (GOOD & bad!) There are questions posted to the group regularly about things like self care, depression, anxiety, gratitude, disability, new diagnosis, insurance, chronic pain and then great group discussions! Please read the new posts and offer support or even just a ♥️, ☀️, or 💡can make someone feel heard and acknowledged! You can scroll through past posts that are insightful & helpful plus dozens of posts & stories at the top in blue link “Saved by the leader” Come join us!
2.9K  Members
1 Leader
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